by Natalie Edwards

Having trouble with your PAPR unit? Is it not quite working like it used to? Or not working at all? You've come to the right place! Here's some of the most commonly found problems with powered air respirators and how to fix them...


There's no airflow from the blower unit

  • The blower unit is not on - long press the ON button
  • The battery has no power - charge the battery
  • The battery is not installed properly - check and reassemble the battery
  • Tube blocked/air leakage - Check and clear the obstruction

Airflow test failed

  • The hose may be blocked or there is an air leakage - check the tube status
  • The filter is clogged and dirty - replace the filter

The battery is not lasting as long as it should, even when fully charged

  • Incorrect charging - try fully charging the battery again Blocked/dirty filter - replace the filter
  • Charger may be damaged - try charging the same battery with another charger. Replace the charger if needed
  • Battery could be faulty - if none of the above have worked, replace with a new battery

Increased noise level

  • The filter is getting clogged - replace filter and pre-filter as required

Warning indicator is ON and the blower is vibrating with the alarm sound beeping

  • Damaged filter - check the filter status and replace if needed
  • Hose has a leak - check how the tube is assembled as well as the status
  • Filter component not complete - check and equip both filters

If any of the above problems are unable to be resolved, contact your supplier.