
Customer Guarantees

Our commitment to you is REAL! Here at Euromarc we make things So Quick, So Easy with great service and guarantees like QuickResponse, QuickShip, flat rate nationwide shipping, free biscuits, and credit in 2 days. Here's some of the ways we're proving our commitment to you...


We'll come back to you within 20 minutes for any enquiry - or you get $100*

Contact us between 8:00am-4pm on any business day via one of these 3 channels:

*See terms and conditions below


Orders, picked, packed, and dispatched the same day guaranteed - or you get $100*

We guarantee all QuickShip product orders received before 4pm will be picked, packed, and dispatched the same day.  All products have to be in stock and the courier not delayed by disaster – and yes, if it’s out of stock we’ll get in contact with you.  This covers all products marked with the QuickShip logo. 

We’re not just talking it up – if it’s not dispatched, you will receive a $100 Euromarc web voucher*.

*See terms and conditions below


Anywhere. Just $14.98 + GST*

There’ll be no surprises here!  All small item orders ship at one low flat rate.  Location doesn't matter.  We’ll ship your order anywhere in New Zealand and it will only ever cost you $14.98+GST per order.


*See terms and conditions below


For every order over $195 + GST

Who doesn’t enjoy a bikkie with their mid morning coffee?  Here’s a good reason to make sure you’re the one opening the inwards goods!  For every order over $195 + GST, we’ll send a FREE packet of biscuits for you to share with the team (or keep all to yourself!)  


You need products you can trust.

Don’t take our word for it. We’ll give you a free sample, or trial so you can try before you buy!


Ready to take our relationship to the next level?

Our credit application process is quick, easy, and we’ll get it processed within 2 working days! Plus, if you need your goods delivered sooner just give us a call. 

Find out more about a credit application here.



• Orders must be confirmed before 4.00pm. While we strive to process all orders received before 4pm, the best way to ensure your order is confirmed is to: order online, call us on 0800 278 600 or email

• If you notice your QuickShip products have not been dispatched, give us a call and let us know by 10.00am the following business day. We’ll check the order to identify why it has not been dispatched.  Please make sure you let us know your order contains QuickShip products.

• Couriers have days off too!  Dispatching works on standard business days – this means Monday to Friday excluding public holidays.

• On occasions where the order deadline may need to be brought forward (e.g. stocktaking), we will provide notice via our email newsletter.

• DG classified products (which includes all aerosols and select other products) can be dispatched the same day. However, if any DG classified products are ordered together with your QuickShip products, it could delay a part or the whole of your order, particularly for south-island shipments, so we can't guarantee these orders.

• International orders dispatched same day?  Well possibly!  Although we’ll deliver internationally, dispatching the same day can’t be guaranteed – maybe one day!  Give us a call for more details on international shipping.

• Exceptional circumstances – cyclones, earthquakes, road closures, traffic accidents…there are some things we can’t control.  We can't cover for courier network transit delays (including, but not limited to weather disruptions) and in these rare instances we’ll still strive to get your products dispatched on time, but we can’t accept liability for delays out of our control.



• The Quick Response guarantee will only apply to any support enquiries received via the following correspondence channels:

• Call: 0800 278 600
• Email:
• Instant message on the Euromarc chat:

• An enquiry must be received within Euromarc’s guarantee hours of 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.Any requests received outside of these hours will be responded to on the following working day.

• Phone and Live chat we always endeavour to answer any enquiry while we are connected with the customer. While we will endeavour to provide an answer/solution to the request within the 20-minute time frame, depending on the nature of the request this is not always possible.In the instance we are unable to provide an answer within 20 minutes, we will acknowledge and respond to the enquiry with details of actions being taken, and where possible, provide an estimated time frame that we'll be back to you with an answer.

• Phone time starts is per Euromarc system time and date, Chat time is per Euromarc’s chat system record, and email time starts from when Euromarc received the email.

• In the event Euromarc fails to provide a response to a support request within 20 minutes, provided the conditions above have been met, the customer will be emailed a one-time-use website voucher code which can be used for up to $100 off their next order placed on

• The website voucher code must be used within 30 days of receipt.



We deliver product throughout New Zealand within the areas where the courier network deliver and pickup from. Dangerous goods (DG) and bulk items (BULK) incur additional charges. See our Delivery page here.



Request will be qualified by Euromarc Industries, based on a variety critera, including but not limited to:

• Samples sent to business address in NZ only.

• Companies who can commit to providing feedback (positive or negative) on products.

• Companies that meet Euromarc's minimum size requerments, and Euromarc can limit the number of samples per company.

Abrasives, Brushware, Cutting tools, General, Polishing, Safety and Welding

Euromarc's here to provide you with quality products, great prices, excellent customer service, inventory management solutions, same day dispatch….anything the kiwi engineer could want! Our consumables are sourced specially for NZ engineers, including a huge range of abrasives such as cutting discs, flap discs, sticky or velcro sanding discs, through to linishing belts. There's also cutting tools, welding and accessories, metal polishing, work safety gear (PPE)...everything you need!