QUICKORDER is a 'favourites' list within your online ordering portal, making your online ordering WAY faster. QUICKORDER takes it to the next level! 


Simply add all your regularly ordered products to the favourites list and then you can order everything you need from the one place - no more navigating the website to find the products you order every time.  


What's more, you can quickly and easily view pricing and availability, and if you've got a long list of items, you can filter by category or products you've marked as 'favourites'.



When ordering consumables, most of the time you're ordering the same items regularly. QUICKORDER speeds up this process immensely by having all those regularly ordered products available on the one page so you don't need to navigate the website each and every time you go to place a purchase order.


In the video below we’re going to test just how much time you can save by using a QUICKORDER favourites list compared to regular online ordering.



To test how much faster it can be to use a QUICKORDER favourites list compared to regular ordering we got Terry (who's a bit of a whiz with the website) to order the following 6 products both ways, and we timed him:


  • 25x Bora9 125mm 36g
  • 50x ELITE 911 Thin Cutting Discs
  • 12x CRAFTSMAN Safety Glasses 505 - Clear
  • 10x 5.0mm Drills
  • 4x Welding Gloves
  • 1x 4L Anti Spatter



The same order took 1 minute and 28 seconds to place through QUICKORDER, and 4 minutes, 31 seconds ordering the regular way. That's 3x faster ordering using a favourites list - a massive time saver, especially when you add it up across all the orders you place over a year.


Once  you  sign  up  for  a  free  online  account  with  us you’ll  automatically  have  access  to  QUICKORDER. Products you want to frequently purchase can be stored on one page, so next time you go to order it will be as easy as:


  1. Login to your QUICKORDER™ account
  2. Add quantities next to the pre-populated products you want to order
  3. Place your order


So no more having to search for the products every time you want to order.  Ordering has never been so easy! So what are we waiting for?


Watch the video tutorial below, or read our step-by-step guide: 


Step 1:

Find the products you want to add by using the Search Tool or navigating the Product Menu

Step 2: 

Click on the product, find your size, colour etc and press 'Add to QuickOrder' just below the 'Add to Cart' button

Step 3: 

Your product will now be ready in your QUICKORDER list!  Add more products.


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Here at Euromarc we’re all about finding ways to save you time and money when it comes to consumable ordering, and QUICKORDER is just one of those ways.


Check out our other efficient consumable ordering options below to see if you could save even more time and money!

Abrasives, Brushware, Cutting tools, General, Polishing, Safety and Welding

Euromarc's here to provide you with quality products, great prices, excellent customer service, inventory management solutions, same day dispatch….anything the kiwi engineer could want! Our consumables are sourced specially for NZ engineers, including a huge range of abrasives such as cutting discs, flap discs, sticky or velcro sanding discs, through to linishing belts. There's also cutting tools, welding and accessories, metal polishing, work safety gear (PPE)...everything you need!